
Juni 13

Breast cancer is a relatively common cancer found in women in the United States, and is the main penyebeb death in women aged between 45 and 64 years. Breast cancer may be found when I was a local (in situ) or, more frequently, has spread (malignant). Breast cancer is almost always adenocarcinoma, and usually occur in the ductus.
The risk that a woman in the United States will develop breast cancer at some time during her life is about one per delaoan. The incidence of breast cancer increases with age, and is influenced by genetic factors, hormones and environment. Men can get breast cancer although the incidence is low.

Strong risk factor for breast cancer is the history of this disease in close relatives (sisters or mother). One of several genes for familial breast cancer have been identified and appear to be inherited as an autosomal-dominant trait. Women who inherit a gene for breast cancer usually gets the disease at an earlier age than women whose families do not have a history of the disease. genes for breast cancer can be taken and passed on by both parents.
Exposure to estrogen for the rest hidupberkaitan with ksnker pembentuksn breast. Women who experience early menarche and menopause have a greater risk further. Age of menarche and menopause is influenced by genetic factors. No or delayed having children also increases the risk of breast cancer, as well as estrogen replacement therapy for most women. Fibrocystic breast disease characterized by epithelial hyperplasia also increases risk. Diets high in fat and alcohol consumption were also associated with breast cancer. Protection against breast cancer may be commercialized with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are colored, regular exercise, weight control.

• A lump or mass that is not pain in the breast. Most cancers arise in the lateral quadrant of the breast (50%) or in the middle (20%). The lump is usually fixed (can not move) with irregular borders. The lump was unilateral and usually do not show variations in size with the menstrual cycle.
• nipple retraction, rabas expenditure from the nipple, or wrinkles in breast tissue may indicate the existence of breast cancer
• Enlarged lymph nodes
 breast self-examination ("sarari") regularly (every month) is important for early detection of tumors. Sarari should be done by all women aged 20 years.
 Mammography, X-ray examination of the breast, is an important screening examination to identify the cancer before a lump in the breast can be palpable. Mammography is recommended for all women aged over 40 years, for younger women whose families have a history of the disease or other risk factors.
 Biopsy or bump would confirm a suspected diagnosis. Determination of tumor size, tumor characteristics, and examination of lymph nodes surrounding gatah enables staging and histological classification of tumors. Staging is divided into I to IV, and it is important to determine therapy and prognosis.
 Measurement of estrogen receptors in tumor cells indicates the sensitivity of tumor tehadap estrogen. High levels of estrogen receptors suggests that the tumor may respond well to hormone therapy.
• widespread metastasis may occur. Places of metastasis include brain, lung, bone, liver, and ovary. Figures bargantung survive on stage: stage I (tumor <2cm, without metastases) 80%, stage II (tumors 2-5 cm, metastasis to lymph nodes armpit) 65%, stage III (tumor> 5 cm, metastasis to lymph axillary nodes and spreads to the skin or chest wall) 40%, stage IV (metastatic area) 10%.

 Mastectomy or lumpectomy with lymph node dissection axila
 Radiation or chemotherapy
 anti-estrogen hormone therapy for tumors of estrogen receptor positive
 Breast Reconstruction
 Provision of counseling and support

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